O Safelink

Encrypting your link and protect the link from viruses, malware, thief, etc! Made your link safe to visit.

Safe Link Converter

How to use our tool:

  1. Put the link on the Safe Link Converter box with http:// or https://
  2. Use CTRL + V on keyboard to put the link.
  3. Click the Safe Link Now! button to get encrypted link.
  4. Click the Copy your link to clipboard!
  5. Done.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

How does the Safelink page work?

The Safelink page is built using Base64 encode which serves to convert links into numerical and alphabetic combination random code. Furtherm...

What is Safelink Page Generator?

Safelink generator is a page that is used as a path before in the switch to the link (download) in the destination. At first safelink is use...

10 Tips For Starting A Small Business

Opening your own business is often a learn-as-you-go process. But, the more smart decisions you make early on, the better chance your compan...

Some Advantages of Creating a Website / Blog

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